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Andrew Craig, PhD, Interim Chair

Dr. Henry S. Roane

Dr. Andrew Craig currently is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Behavior Analysis Studies, and Neuroscience and Physiology at SUNY Upstate Medical University (UMU). He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from West Virginia University in 2011. In 2013, he received a Master of Science degree in Psychology from Utah State University, where he later completed his doctoral training in 2017.  Dr. 克雷格的研究重点是理解导致操作性行为持续和复发的变量, impulsivity, and choice between competing sources of rewards. Based on his work as an early career investigator, he was awarded the B. F. Skinner Foundation New Researcher Award from Division 25 of the American Psychological Association (APA) in 2020. Dr. Craig currently serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, an Associate Editor for Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, and a guest Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. 他也是行为定量分析协会的董事会董事,也是美国心理学会第25分会的普通会员.

At UMU, he is Director for Research in the Golisano Center for Special Needs, 一个多学科诊所,专注于为有特殊需求的儿童提供综合服务,如智力和发育障碍(IDD)。, developmental delays, and physical disabilities. Dr. Craig is also the Chair of the Behavior Analysis Studies Program, 哪个硕士学位课程能让学生掌握作为应用行为分析师所必需的实践知识和技能. In his clinical research, 他的目标是运用他的专业知识来更好地理解影响IDD患者问题行为治疗成功的因素. Additionally, he co-ordinates the Behavior Analysis Murine laboratory at UMU, which is dedicated to translational research and bridge studies between behavior analysis, neuroscience, and genetics.

Henry S. Roane, PhD, BCBA-D,

Dr. Henry S. Roane

Dr. Henry Roane received his Ph.D. in Psychology with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis from Louisiana State University. 他在肯尼迪克里格研究所和约翰霍普金斯大学医学院完成了博士前实习. Dr. Roane曾在Marcus Institute/Emory University School of Medicine和munro - meyer Institute/University of Nebraska医学中心担任临床和教师职位. At present, Dr. Roane is the Gregory S. 立塔克医学博士,纽约锡拉丘兹上州医科大学儿科系儿童发展教授. In addition to serving as Chair of the Behavior Analysis program at Upstate, Dr. Roane also serves as the Chief of the Division of Development, 在那里,他指导医疗和行为分析诊所,为受自闭症和相关疾病影响的儿童提供治疗服务.

Dr. Roane is the Editor-in-Chief of Behavioral Development, an academic journal published by the American Psychological Association. He is a former Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and Behavior Analysis in Practice, and serves on the Editorial Boards of several journals in the field. Dr. Roane是专业行为分析师协会和行为实验分析协会的董事会成员, and he has previously served on the Board of Directors for the Behavior Analysis Certification Board. Dr. Roane合著了超过75篇研究论文和章节,以及三篇学术论文,内容涉及自闭症儿童和相关疾病的行为障碍的评估和治疗. He also has been the principle or a co-investigator on grants funded by National Institute of Health, the US Department of Defense, and the New York State Department of Health and serves as a consultant to programs nationwide.

William E. Sullivan, PhD, faculty

Dr. William Sullivan

Dr. Sullivan received his Ph.D. in School Psychology with an emphasis in Applied Behavior Analysis from Syracuse University. 他在纽约州立大学上州医科大学(SUNY Upstate Medical University)儿科学系完成了博士前实习和博士后研究. Previously, Dr. Sullivan曾在Syracuse University的通信科学和疾病部门担任兼职教师职位,并在SUNY Upstate Medical University的儿科部门担任临床讲师. Currently, 他在纽约州立大学上州医科大学的儿科和行为分析研究系担任教职, and is an adjunct instructor in the Department of Psychology at SUNY Cortland.

Dr. Sullivan primarily conducts bi-directional translational research. That is, 他感兴趣的是将基础操作研究的发现转化为对挑战性行为的有效干预, 以及在基本范式下检查临床问题,以更好地理解行为改变的机制. Dr. Sullivan's studies have been published in a number of reputable peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Additionally, he has co-authored several chapters on the assessment and treatment of challenging behavior. Dr. Sullivan serves on the board of editors for Behavioral Development and Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice, and has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, Journal of Behavioral Education, Journal of School Psychology, School Psychology Review, Behavioral Development, Disability and Health Journal, and Journal of Pediatrics.

Jason R. Zeleny, MS, BCBA, faculty

Jason Zeleny, MS, BCBAMr. Zeleny earned his Master’s degree in 2014 from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. 他曾在奥马哈的门罗-迈耶研究所儿科喂养障碍项目担任硕士级董事会认证的行为分析师, NE. Mr. 泽莱尼于2020年搬到锡拉丘兹地区,加入了上州的戈里萨诺特殊需求中心和儿科. His research interests include the assessment and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders, 重点是通过使用远程医疗,将专业临床环境中取得的治疗成果推广和维护到自然环境中. 他还对研究如何向被诊断为中度至重度进食障碍的儿童教授咀嚼和侧化技能感兴趣,并在各种期刊上发表了几篇科学研究文章. Mr. Zeleny还担任上州医科大学行为分析研究项目的实习导师和论文顾问.

Christina Alaimo, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA, faculty

Christina Alaimo, PhDDr. Christina Alaimo 是一名委员会认证行为分析师(BCBA-D)和纽约州持牌行为分析师,并获得纽约州有限的心理学执业许可证. She received her doctorate in behavior analysis from The Graduate Center, City University of New York in 2021, and joined Upstate Golisano Center for Special Needs and the Department of Pediatrics in February of 2022. She specializes in the assessment and treatment of a range of pediatric feeding disorders. 她的研究主要集中在工作人员和护理人员的干预培训,以治疗儿童拒食和选择性. Dr. Alaimo also has extensive experience in the treatment of clinical range maladaptive and challenging behaviors, as well as skill acquisition (e.g., functional communication) for children with developmental disorders.

Sean Smith, PhD, BCBA-D, faculty

Sean SmithDr. Sean Smith received his Ph.D. in Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Munroe-Meyer Institute. Dr. 史密斯的培训重点是严重问题行为的评估和治疗:他在门罗-迈耶研究所的严重行为项目和罗格斯大学自闭症研究中心的严重行为项目完成了临床实习, Education, and Services. Dr. Smith completed postdoctoral training at the University of Florida, 在此期间,他在佛罗里达大学自闭症和神经发育中心创建了一个密集的门诊问题行为评估和治疗项目. Currently, Sean is an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University, 在那里,他正在建立一个生物行为健康单位(BBHU),专注于评估和治疗被诊断患有精神健康障碍和神经发育障碍的个人的严重行为.

Dr. Smith’s research focuses on the assessment and treatment of problem behavior, treatment relapse, and the quantitative analysis of behavior. Dr. Smith’s research won the Nevin Award from the Society for the Quantitative Analysis of behavior, and his research has been published in a variety of peer-reviewed journals, including his field’s flagship journals, the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Dr. Smith has also published multiple chapters in edited books. Dr. Smith has served on the board of editors for the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, and he has served as an ad-hoc reviewer for numerous other behavior analytic journals.

Courtney Mauzy, PhD, BCBA, faculty

Courtney Mauzy, PhDDr. Mauzy earned his Master’s degree in 2013 from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, specializing in the assessment and treatment of pediatric feeding disorders. He earned his Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in School Psychology from the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. He completed his pre- and post-doctoral fellowship at Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics at the Marcus Autism Center. While at the Marcus Autism Center, he managed cases and supervised in the assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior. Currently he holds a faculty position within the department of Pediatrics at SUNY Upstate Medical University.

Dr. Mauzy主要对与严重问题行为的评估和治疗相关的现象进行转化研究. Specifically, 他专注于人类操作安排,模仿或模拟来自临床世界或基础操作研究的安排. Currently, his research is focusing on factors that contribute to behavioral persistence and preventing behavioral relapse.
