


Young children, especially babies and toddlers, put everything in their mouth! Most houses or apartments built before 1978 have old layers of lead paint in them. Once the paint begins peeling or chipping off of surfaces, it becomes a hazard. If your little ones put tiny paint chips or their fingers that have dust from that paint in their mouths, 可能会发生铅暴露. Even a small amount of lead can harm a young child by impacting their growth, behavior, 以及学习能力.

The main source of lead exposure in New York State continues to be from old chipping and peeling lead-based paint inside or outside the home. 如果你住在老房子里, or your child spends time in an older home, make sure to learn about lead hazards and how you can protect your young child. To learn more about additional sources of lead, please visit http://www.health.ny.gov/publications/6517.pdf.


  • Fix peeling or chipping paint and make sure home renovations are done safely.Call your local health department for information about professionals who handle lead-based paint problems. If you rent your home, your landlord is responsible for the necessary repairs. Some counties in NYS have grant programs available for tenants, 房东, 房主要解决铅的危害. (See Financial Assistance for Lead Hazard Reduction below).
  • Wash children's hands and face after play, before meals, and before bed. Other items that may be placed in a child’s mouth should be washed frequently such as toys, 填充动物玩具, 奶嘴, 和瓶子. In order to keep any potential dust at a minimum, regularly wet mop floors and use damp paper towels to clean.
  • Avoid bringing lead home on clothing and shoes. Some work and hobbies can expose you to lead. In order to make sure it's not being tracked into the house you can change work clothes before going home, 在前门脱鞋, wash clothes that may have been exposed separately, 洗你的脸, hands, and any uncovered skin before going home. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/lead/workers.htm
  • 不要让食物和自来水含铅. Some dishes, spices, candy, cosmetics, and health remedies have been found to contain lead. You can contact your local county health department to get more information on these products. Occasionally, old plumbing systems may contain lead. The longer the water stands in the pipes, the greater the possibility of lead being dissolved into the water. To reduce the amount of lead in tap water, run cold water for infant formula or cooking and let the tap run for at least a minute before using. To learn more about lead in water, please visit http://health.ny.gov/environmental/water/drinking/lead/ 
  • Serve foods that have calcium, iron, and 维生素C. Foods high in these vitamins and minerals can help reduce the effects of lead. 的食物 calcium include: milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables.  的食物 iron include: beans, lean meat, fortified cereal, peanut butter. 的食物 维生素C include: oranges, orange juice, grapefruit, tomatoes, green peppers.

Remember, all children should be tested for lead at 1 AND 2 years of age. If you are concerned that your child may have been exposed to lead, contact their doctor and your local county health department for more information on getting your child a lead test and testing your home for lead.


Lead is a Danger for Every Baby and Child, Here's What You Should Know

Beware of Lead: Do you know where it may be hiding?


你怀孕了吗?? Learn How to Protect Yourself and Your Baby from 铅中毒

Good Nutrition Helps: Reduce the Effects of Lead!

EPA’s publication on Fighting Lead with a Healthy Diet 

What Do Parents Need to Know to Protect Their Children?


Additional educational resources may be found at the 纽约卫生部网站

Financial Assistance for Lead Hazard Reduction

Onondaga County Grants and Loans for Home Repair

Lead Safe Utica Grant Program, Home Ownership Center

Broome County Health Department, Lead Hazard Reduction Grant 

Saint Lawrence County Health Department, Lead Hazard Reduction Grant

Assistance may be available through additional programs that are not listed here. For more information, contact the lead program at your local health department. 


Lead exposure remains a concern for children, adults in New York state

In a May 10, 2018 健康通空中直播 radio interview, Dr. Howard Weinberger explains why lead exposure can be so dangerous to the developing brains of children and can also damage the liver and kidneys of children and adults.



Read the latest news on protecting your children and yourself from lead poisoning.

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