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纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 is pleased to offer a number of internal scholarships and grants to enrolled students. 我们也有一个简短的外部奖学金机会列表.

We encourage outside scholarship and grant applicants to start their search very focused and then broaden it strategically:

  1. 你的家乡:看看当地的组织,比如狮子会, Kiwanis Clubs, Homeowners' Associations, local grocery stores, 父母的工作地点.
  2. Your County:  Check county associations that are specific to your career path.  For example, 奥内达加县医学会.
  3. Your State:  Statewide associations/societies sometimes offer scholarships and grants.  For example:  纽约州南部呼吸治疗师协会(NYDART).
  4. Nationally:  Nationally recognized associations/societies can offer scholarships and grants.  For example:  美国临床检验科学学会(ASCLS).

Should you have any questions about scholarship and grant opportunity, please contact our Admissions and Financial Aid Office at (315) 551-2057 or [email protected]

Good Luck!

COM =医学院


               CON = College of Nursing


Internal Scholarships



医学校友会赠送超过350美元,每年向符合个人奖学金标准的医学院现有和即将入学的学生提供5000美元的奖学金. Scholarships are awarded at our annual Reunion Awards and Scholarship Presentation, 在九月的同学会周末举行. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: March 31st
Category: COM

Susan B. 斯特恩斯国际旅游博士奖学金

A scholarship given to two College of Medicine students planning on studying abroad. Award Amount: $500
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, Study Abroad

Susan B. 斯特恩斯社区参与博士奖学金

斯特恩斯奖学金是1美元,每年颁发给上州医科大学医学院二年级学生的奖学金. Students who have distinguished themselves as leaders and volunteers while at Upstate will be considered for this award. Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, Volunteering


UMU本科生奖学金的倡导者将向在任何健康相关领域的认可机构攻读本科课程的在职雇员和在职成年志愿者颁发学费和相关费用援助. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: June 30th, October 28th
Category: Undergraduates


乔纳森伯纳德亨利捐赠奖学金颁发给四所推荐最近最火的赌博软件学院的一名学生,以表彰其出色的论文, project, 或在所选主题领域的其他杰出成就. 有关奖励和申请文件的信息可以在您的大学组织页面的Blackboard网站上找到. Award Amount: $500
Deadline: March 16th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, CON, COGS


Purpose: 锡拉丘兹上州大学医学协会. (UUMAS)是教师实践计划它是医学院18个临床部门实践的总括组织. This scholarship is given with the support and coordination of the COM and University Hospital (UH). 该奖学金的重点是使COM的贫困或弱势学生能够从事初级保健医疗事业. 该奖学金将专门用于那些对初级保健专业之一的培训和实践特别感兴趣的学生, namely Family Medicine, General Internal Medicine and General Pediatrics and serve economically distressed patients in the CNY region. In light of the shortage of primary care providers in CNY and the need to increase access to Medicaid and indigent patients, 该奖学金旨在使UMU COM毕业生能够选择初级保健住院医师,而不必偿还巨额医学教育债务. Preference will be given to underrepresented minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Requirements: The awardee must matriculate through usual means into the college of medicine. Nominations by the financial aid office will be welcomed in addition to applicants who respond to scholarship posting. 所有的毕业生都会被考虑和筛选. Applicants must complete an application that includes a financial needs assessment. It is expected that candidates can demonstrate high academic achievement in college (GPA 3.5+ and MCAT scores 518+). 最优秀的申请者将接受UUMAS小组的面试, UH, 和COM代表面对面或通过视频会议. 一名申请人将被选为奖学金获得者. 申请人必须是贫困或弱势学生,并表现出对进入初级保健住院医师计划的真诚兴趣, 在CNY实践,并提供医疗补助和贫困患者. 奖学金维持要求: For each year of medical school, student must be in good standing and have no conditionals. 学生必须在四年内以优异成绩从COM毕业. Award Amount: $54,000 per academic year
Deadline: N/A
Category: COM

External Scholarships



资助你的物理治疗学位是有挑战性的. To help you, 我们整理了一份清单,列出了几十个你可以申请的物理治疗和医疗保健特定奖学金和贷款偿还计划. 每个奖学金都是在州或国家层面提供的, so that you don’t have to sift through school specific scholarships. Remember to also check your school website to see if they offer any scholarships that you can apply to Award Amount: Various
Deadline: Various
Category: CHP- PT


Pisacano Leadership Foundation is offering educational and leadership training, 并为一名优秀的四年级医学生提供为期四年的资助,该学生宣布专攻家庭医学. Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: June 1st, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


UUP is offering a scholarship to one selected undergraduate and graduate student pending submission of application, letters of evaluation, 完成面试流程. Award Amount: $1,500
Deadline: June 15th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


Leanbean正在为一名学生提供奖学金,等待他们选择一篇题为“为什么在改善身体成分和运动表现方面,处方药是一种不可接受的选择”的文章。. Award Amount: $2,500
Deadline: June 30th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON

The Earnest Scholarship

Earnest is offering 50 scholarships each worth $5000 to students selected at random. No essay required. Award Amount: $5,000
Deadline: June 30th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON

eStudentLoan 1000美元奖学金

estudentloan.com is offering a $1000 scholarship to a student pending selection of an essay on the topic "Describe what makes you unique". Award Amount: $1,500
Deadline: July 15th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON

Radiology Scholarship

radiology-schools.com is offering a $1000 scholarship to a student pending seletion of an essay submission answering the chosen question. Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: July 30th, 2021
Category: CHP - Radiation Therapy

Vohra Wound Care Scholarship for Nursing Education and Nursing Certifications

Vohra Wound Physicians is offering free tuition to their wound care certification course, valued at $650. Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: August 1st, 2021
Category: Undergraduates


CouponBirds将为学生提供3个奖学金,等待他们选出一段视频,回答“如何用CouponBirds省钱”。. Award Amount: $1,500
Deadline: August 15th, 2021
Category: COM


沃特伯里医学协会向居住在康涅狄格州的三年级医科学生提供奖学金, Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: September 1st, 2021
Category: CON


雪松西奈医学院为来自代表性不足背景的学生提供了参加轮岗实习的机会,并为学生提供2500美元的奖学金,以抵消轮岗期间的旅行和住房费用. Award Amount: 2500美元和一个见习的机会
Deadline: October 14th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON

Medical Billing Service's Annual Health and Technology Scholarship

医疗计费服务是提供一个选定的学生与健康和技术的热情有机会被选中的财政奖励等待论文提交. 更多细节可在提供的链接中找到. Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: End of each month
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


The Veterans Affairs department is offering scholarships to health professionals intended to cover tuition, books, fees, 以及每月1150美元的额外生活津贴,并同意在完成接下来的18个月的住院医师培训后为退伍军人管理局工作. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CON

Newsome Melton学生领袖奖学金

纽瑟姆·梅尔顿律师事务所为一名对领导能力有热情的学生提供奖学金,等待选择一篇关于给定主题的文章. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM


Chairish furniture and dsamco公司向一名学生提供奖学金,要求他们提交一篇论文,描述他们的理想未来,以及为了实现这个梦想他们计划做些什么. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON

ScienceSelector 1500美元奖学金赠送计划

ScienceSelector正在为一名学生提供奖学金,等待挑选一篇回答“社会对科学发展的需求是什么”问题的论文?". Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


教科书新星提供1000美元的奖学金,学生等待选择的论文提交的一个给定的主题选项. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


Prosper Shaked为任何医疗保健专业的学生提供奖学金,等待选择一篇详细说明你未来在医学领域目标的文章. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


Bestnursingdegree.com为BSN提供奖学金, MSN, or DNP student pending selection of an essay submission on the given topic. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


每月奖学金提供给被选中的学生,等待提交一篇800多字的文章,解释什么可以吸引旅游到你来自的地区,为什么有人应该访问该地区. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON; Students with disabilities


NMF offers various scholarships for medical students of different demographics. 请参考所提供的链接来探索可用的选项. Award Amount: Full tuition and $2,200.73 monthly stipend
Deadline: None
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


This is an organization that offers various scholarships based on major, socioeconomic status and various other demographics or academic pursuits. Students should visit the provided link to explore available scholarship options. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Varies
Category: Varies


平价大学在线与石溪大学(Stony Brook University)首席多元化官合作,为美国原住民学生提供学术和经济支持. 在提供的链接中可以获得各种奖学金, 有些是针对本科生和研究生的. Award Amount: N/A
Deadline: N/A
Category: N/A


The ARCF awards six scholarships to respiratory students in an accredited program. Award Amount: Max: $28,000
Deadline: March 1st, 2021
Category: CHP


Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits are available to military personnel who agree to have $100 withheld from their monthly pay allowance. Award Amount: $3,000
Deadline: March 1st, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


While most nursing students receive tuition assistance from their employers, the College of Nursing also participates in a variety of external scholarships. Award Amount: $1,500
Deadline: March 31st, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


A directory containing various scholarships for students with disabilities Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: March 31st, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


After graduation, participants in these programs join the Navy Medical Team as Officers, 有机会获得有竞争力的薪水, regular promotions, 全面的医疗和牙科保险, 低成本旅行机会, 优秀的退休和教育福利, further training, 也是一种有益的临床实践. 额外的福利包括每年30天的带薪假期, 世界各地军事娱乐设施的使用情况, the opportunity to serve around the world in a variety of facilities, 成为训练有素的专业团队的一员. Award Amount: Vohra伤口护理认证减免650美元学费
Deadline: March 31st, 2021
Category: CON


认证在线学校社区为需要额外经济支持的低收入学生提供资源和指导,以帮助他们减轻高中以上教育的经济负担. This includes a list of scholarships that students may apply for and more information can be found using the provided link. Award Amount: $1,200, $800, $500
Deadline: April 17th, 2021
Category: COM, CHP, COGS, CON


Several scholarship opportunities are available for high school seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. The LGBTQ+ scholarships detailed in this guide are open to candidates enrolled in colleges, universities, 以及技术/职业课程. Award Amount: N/A
Deadline: N/A
Category: CON


专业教育贷款偿还计划(SELRP)以贷款偿还的形式向经过认证的医学或骨科学校的应届毕业生提供经济援助, and are currently enrolled or matched to a residency identified as a shortage by the U.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 贷款偿还额为每年4万元,上限为16万元. In return the recipient would agree to serve in a clinical practice at a VA facility for a period of 12 months for each $40,000 of loan repayment with a minimum of 24 months of obligated service. Award Amount: N/A
Deadline: N/A
Category: COM


Since its inception in 1992, the Nursing Alumni Association has awarded nearly 500 scholarships. 该协会还为教师充实提供支持, continuing education, 以及学生的其他需求, 护理学院的教师和校友. Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: May, 2022
Category: CON